Insects: a List of 30 Names for Common Insects

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There are many groups in the animal world. One group of those is Arthropoda, which is made up of all the insects that are without backbones. They have a hard outer shell.

The body of an insect has three main parts:

  1. the head, which has the mouthparts, eyes, and a pair of antennae;
  2. the three-segmented thorax, which has three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings, and
  3. the many-segmented abdomen, which has the reproductive, digestive, and excretory organs.

Insects are the only animals without backbones that have wings to fly and move into new areas. Their legs have joints that can move together.

Insects are vital to the web of life in every place they live. Some of their jobs are to pollinate growing plants, provide food for animals that eat insects, and help dead plants and animals break down.

Names of insects

Here is a list of 30 names of insects.

Have a look.

  1. Ant
  2. Aphid
  3. Beetle
  4. Bed bug
  5. Blowfly
  6. Butterfly
  7. Caterpillar
  8. Cocoon
  9. Cockroach
  10. Cricket
  11. Dragonfly
  12. Firefly
  13. Flea
  14. Fly
  15. Glow worm
  16. Grasshopper
  17. Honeybee
  18. Horsefly
  19. Locust
  20. Louse
  21. Mosquito
  22. Moth
  23. Nit
  24. Pill bug
  25. Scorpion
  26. Silkworm
  27. Spider
  28. Termite
  29. Wasp
  30. Worm

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