Relative Pronoun

Relative Pronoun – a Relation to Noun

Relative pronoun relates with noun  which we used in previous sentence. This pronoun joins main clause to dependent clause. So, the word introduce the noun which we mentioned in previous sentence is relative pronoun.

It shows relation to the noun which we use in main clause. It replaces the noun in dependent clause. These pronouns describe person, place or thing which we mention in the main clause.

There are very few relative pronouns in English language. We will see which those are.


Here is a list of the most common relative pronouns those we can use in everyday life.

  • That
  • What
  • Who
  • Whom
  • Which
  • Whose
  • Whoever
  • Whomever
  • Whichever

Use of Relative Pronoun in Sentence

We have the list of these pronouns and we can use-

  • Who / whom – when we speak about people.
  • Whose- to speak about people but instead of his, her or their.
  • Which – when we speak about things.
  • That – We can also use ‘that’ for ‘who’ / ‘which’.

Examples with Relative Pronoun

Here are some examples.

Those are in bold letters.

Have a look-

  • She often visits the orphanage which is in Mumbai.
  • We have seen your photographs which were taken in Delhi.
  • This is the guy who is perfectionist.
  • A person who is a bus driver, lives behind the tree.
  • I saw the child whose tricycle broke down on the road.
  • The student whose mother is a principal, scored ninety percent marks.
  • What did you do with the notes which your friend lent you?
  • Whichever path you take, will lead you to school.
  • I did what was asked to do for you.
  • No one knows what happened with her.
  • The ornaments that she bought for her sister are very beautiful.
  • The designing course that he chose, will give him success.
  • I knew what she wanted.
  • Students learn seriously what their teacher teaches.


The compounds of who, which and what are whoever, whosoever, whichever, whichsoever and whatever, whatsoever respectively.

We will take some examples. Have a look-

  • Whosoever will be present, may attend the meeting.
  • Whichever designing course you complete, will make you survive better.
  • Whatever you experience there, don’t tell anyone.

The compounds ending in so and soever are rarely used in modern English.

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