How to Use Have To in a Sentence

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We use ‘have to’ to explain the action to do in the present.

We use ‘have to’ to say

  • something is necessary,
  • something is desired,
  • something is required by law, and
  • to emphasize a sentence.

Formation of a Sentence With Have To

The formation is as follows:

  • Subject + have to + base form of a verb + other words  + full stop (.)


Here are some examples. The formation is as above.

Have a look-

  1. I have to finish my homework today.
  2. We have to meet her before the evening.
  3. You have to put on weight by two kg.
  4. They have to search the language websites on Google.
  5. I have to reach the airport on time.
  6. We have to survive in such a difficult situation.
  7. You have to show your progress card.
  8. They have to complete their work in two days.
  9. I have to clean my house now.
  10. We have to read all those books.
  11. You have to tell the story of animals.
  12. Doctors have to visit the patients in the morning.
  13. I have to go to the office early today.
  14. We have to start at eight o’clock.
  15. You have to punch all those papers.
  16. They have to check all the documents.
  17. Players have to play with dedication.
  18. They have to do their job well.
  19. I have to achieve my goal.
  20. We have to sell our house.
  21. You have to give your best to that project.
  22. They have to collect their clothes.
  23. Workers have to work for eight hours. 
  24. Actors have to perform well in the films.
  25. Bullocks have to work in the fields.
  26. Teachers have to teach students.
  27. Students have to wear school uniforms.
  28. We have to try our best in this exam.
  29. The workers have to arrive at 8 am. 
  30. Others have to speak their minds freely.

Related Lessons-

The use of

  1. ‘am’ to explain the state of being
  2. ‘is’ to tell about the profession
  3. pronoun ‘these’ in questions
  4. ‘will’ in negative answers
  5. ‘have’ in the questions of completed action
  6. Forms of Verb

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