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School: 33 Best Questions to Ask in Conversation

School life is the best life—the student’s understanding level increases in school. There is a period to play. It helps students become physically strong. The art period helps us grow artistic viewpoints to express our imagination. There are so many questions we ask about school.

Questions about School

Here are some of the questions to ask about school in conversation.

Let’s have a look-

  1. Do you remember your first day of school?
  2. When did you start going to school?
  3. Which was the best period of your day?
  4. May I visit the school and sit in on a class?
  5. What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
  6. What teaching methods are used at the school?
  7. Did any of your classmates do anything funny?
  8. How many students are there in your class?
  9. Tell me about what you read in class.
  10. Did you go to a public high school or a private one?
  11. Is it compulsory to wear a school uniform?
  12. What did you play today?
  13. How is your physical trainer?
  14. Do you think math is too complex?
  15. What did you do during your proxy period?
  16. What’s the most significant difference between this year and last year?
  17. Is there bullying practice in your school?
  18. What rules do you think are different at school than our rules at home?
  19. Which type of school did you want to go to?
  20. Do you bunk school?
  21. Who did you sit with at lunch?
  22. What is your favourite subject at school?
  23. Who is your class teacher?
  24. Are you allowed to eat in the classrooms?
  25. Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?
  26. Where did you have your lunch during your lunch break?
  27. What do you want to know about?
  28. Are you interested in co-curricular activities?
  29. What are your school’s hours?
  30. Who is your favourite teacher?
  31. Do you carry a dictionary to your English classes?
  32. Did you study economics in high school?
  33. How long does it take you to get to school?

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