The Most Used 30 Verbs When Speaking We Should Know

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A sentence without a verb doesn’t make complete sense. There are numerous verbs that we use daily. However, some of those are most commonly used when speaking in any field. Knowing these verbs helps you use and understand most sentences in everyday life.

Here is a list of the most used verbs.

Have a look.

  1. Care  
  2. Come 
  3. Cry 
  4. Drink 
  5. Eat 
  6. Fall 
  7. Fetch 
  8. Fry 
  9. Go 
  10. Get 
  11. Keep 
  12. Learn 
  13. Listen 
  14. Make 
  15. Push 
  16. Pull 
  17. Read 
  18. Run
  19. See 
  20. Sit 
  21. Stand 
  22. Stay 
  23. Stop 
  24. Take 
  25. Teach 
  26. Throw 
  27. Try 
  28. Wait 
  29. Watch 
  30. Write 

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