Relating Words: 30 Words of Relationship With Nouns

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There are words that we use before another word that show the relationship with it. Those are linking words in the sentences.

There are many such words, but we use only some more frequently. Here is a list of some common and mostly used linking words to tell about time, place, and direction, as well as the introduction of the object.

Have a look.

  1. About
  2. Above
  3. After
  4. Against
  5. Among
  6. As
  7. At
  8. Before
  9. Behind
  10. Below
  11. Beside
  12. Besides
  13. Between
  14. By
  15. Far
  16. For
  17. From
  18. In
  19. In front of
  20. Into
  21. Near
  22. Next
  23. On
  24. Of
  25. Over
  26. Since
  27. With
  28. Till
  29. To
  30. Under

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