Containers: A List of 30 Enclosures for Storage

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A container is an essential device or enclosure that holds a product to contain, pack, store, and transport objects or materials, including shipping. The term is most commonly used to describe devices made of durable materials that are often partially or entirely rigid. Due to the container’s structure, things stored inside are protected on several levels.

Here is a list of 30 containers.

Have a look-

  1. Backpack
  2. Bag
  3. Barrel
  4. Basket
  5. Blister pack
  6. Bottle
  7. Bowl
  8. Box
  9. Briefcase
  10. Bucket
  11. Can
  12. Carton
  13. Case
  14. Chest
  15. Container
  16. Crate
  17. Cup
  18. Drum
  19. Envelope
  20. Glass
  21. Jar
  22. Jug
  23. Mug
  24. Pack
  25. Pitcher
  26. Spray can
  27. Soap dish
  28. Tray
  29. Tub
  30. Tube

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