Weather is a combination of daily occurrences in our atmosphere. It varies from one location to another and also over the course of minutes, hours, days, and weeks. The area of the Earth’s atmosphere closest to the ground, known as the troposphere, is where most weather occurs.
Here is a list of 30 words regarding the weather.
Have a look.
- Bad weather
- Breezy
- Calm
- Cloudless
- Cloudy
- Cold
- Cool
- Dry
- Dull
- Foggy
- Frigid
- Freezy
- Frosty
- Gloomy(sunless)
- Hot
- Humid
- Nice
- Pleasant
- Pouring
- Rainbow
- Rainy
- Raining
- Showering
- Snowy
- Storming
- Stormy
- Sultry
- Sunny
- Warm
- Wet
- Windy
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