Stationery: A List of Important Items You Need

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The term ‘stationery’ originally referred to a wide range of goods sold by a stationery merchant, reflecting the diversity of items available. From cut paper to continuous-form paper, from writing tools to office items, the variety of stationery is both intriguing and extensive. It includes materials that can be written by hand, such as letter paper and those that can be printed by machines, like computer printers.

During the Middle Ages, peddlers played a significant role in the sale of stationery, often setting up their stalls near universities, creating a historical connection to the present.

Scholars often preferred to seek books from stationers’ shops instead of university libraries due to the more comprehensive selection available.

Here is a list of 30 stationery items.

Have a look.

  1. Basket
  2. Call bell
  3. Carbon paper
  4. Copying pencil
  5. Envelope
  6. Folder
  7. Invitation card
  8. Ledger
  9. Marker
  10. Paper clips
  11. paper mat
  12. Pencil sharpener
  13. Pin
  14. Pin cushion
  15. Paperweight
  16. Postage stamp
  17. Postcard
  18. Pushpins
  19. Quill pen
  20. Receipt book
  21. Rubber stamp
  22. Revenue stamp
  23. Seal
  24. Stamp pad
  25. Tag
  26. Tape
  27. Tape dispenser
  28. Tracing cloth
  29. Visiting card
  30. Waste paper

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