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Gratitude: How to Express

Home » Speaking » Gratitude: How to Express

Sometimes we need the help of others. At that time, we express our gratitude.

Sometimes we help others, and they say thanks to us. At that time, we should answer them.

Here are some examples of how we can express our gratitude.

Have a look-

When someone helps you, say-

  1. Thanks 
  2. Thank you.
  3. Thanks a lot
  4. Thanks for your help.
  5. Thank you for the meeting.
  6. You are very kind.
  7. So kind of you
  8. So sweet of you
  9. So sweet
  10. I am grateful to you.
  11. I will be obliged to you.
  12. I will be obliged to you if you give me a chance to serve.
  13. I have no words to express my thanks.
  14. Your help was so precious.

If someone says thanks to you, say-

  1. No mention
  2. Do not mention it, please.
  3. My pleasure
  4. It’s my pleasure.

Related Lessons-

  1. Phrases of exclamation
  2. Sentences of apology
  3. Sentences of  order 
  4. Sentences of consolation
  5. Sentences of gratitude