Means of Transport | A List of 30 Vehicles

Home » Words: An Easy Categorized Vocabulary » Means of Transport | A List of 30 Vehicles

Means of transport are vehicles that help people, things, and animals get from one place to another. There are so many transport systems in the world that we can use at our convenience.
There are four main types of transportation: cars, trains, boats, and planes.
Do you know all the means of transportation? If not, let’s discover the names of these vehicles so you can learn new words in English for transportation.

Have a look.

  1. Aeroplane 
  2. Ambulance 
  3. Auto rickshaw 
  4. Bicycle 
  5. Bike 
  6. Boat 
  7. Bus 
  8. Car 
  9. Cart 
  10. Chariot 
  11. Ferry 
  12. Helicopter/Chopper 
  13. Jeep 
  14. Monorail 
  15. Scooter 
  16. School bus 
  17. Ship 
  18. Sledge 
  19. Steamboat 
  20. Submarine 
  21. Tank 
  22. Tanker 
  23. Taxi 
  24. Tempo 
  25. Tow truck 
  26. Tractor
  27. Train 
  28. Transit bus 
  29. Trolley 
  30. Truck

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