We see many essential things in a bathroom, including cleansers, toiletries, and skin care products. There are also a variety of bathroom accessories.
Let’s discuss some of the items that are essential in our bathroom.
Here is a list of 30 words in English for items used in a kitchen.
- Antiseptic
- Bath gel
- Bath tub
- Bucket
- Cleanser
- Clothespins
- Conditioner
- Dental floss
- Dryer
- Electric shaver
- Geyser
- Garbage can
- Laundry hamper
- Mirror
- Mouthwash
- Moisturizer
- Mug
- Napkin
- Plunger
- Shampoo
- Soap
- Soap case
- Shower
- Toothbrush
- Toothbrush holder
- Toothpaste
- Towel
- Towel bar
- Washing powder
- Washing machine
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