Minerals: Know the Names of Natural Substances

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Minerals are substances generated naturally on the Earth. Minerals are typically solid and inorganic, with a crystal structure generated spontaneously by geological processes.

We can find mineral components that exist alone or in a variety of combinations known as compounds.

List of Minerals

Here is a list of 30 minerals.

Have a look.

  1. Aluminium
  2. Antimony
  3. Cinnabar
  4. Coal
  5. Cobalt
  6. Copper
  7. Flint
  8. Gold
  9. Graphite
  10. Gypsum
  11. Iron
  12. Iron ore
  13. Lead
  14. Lithium
  15. Manganese
  16. Marble
  17. Mercury
  18. Mica
  19. Nickel
  20. Platinum
  21. Silicon
  22. Silver
  23. Steel
  24. Sulfur
  25. Tin
  26. Touch stone
  27. Tungsten
  28. Uranium
  29. Zinc
  30. Zircon

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