Joining Words: A List of 30 Linking Words

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We use joining words to connect two sentences, words, or phrases. These words show the relationship between ideas. We use these words at the beginning or middle of a sentence.

A list of joining words

Here is a list of the most commonly used joining words.

Have a look.

  1. After
  2. Although
  3. And
  4. As
  5. Because
  6. Before
  7. But
  8. Even though
  9. For
  10. Hence
  11. Nor
  12. Or
  13. Since
  14. So
  15. Than
  16. That
  17. That’s why
  18. Therefore
  19. Though
  20. Till
  21. Until
  22. What
  23. When
  24. Whenever
  25. Where as
  26. Whether
  27. Which
  28. While
  29. Who
  30. Yet

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