Speaking in the hotel

  1. Is there any room available in this hotel?
  2. What are the charges for a single bedroom?
  3. We charge twenty dollars a day.
  4. OK, then it is affordable.
  5. What is my room number?
  6. Ask a boy to take my luggage to the room.
  7. Do you have Indian food?
  8. Yes, off course. Choose from the menu card.
  9. Please send my breakfast to my room.
  10. Could you please call me a cab?
  11. Off course! We have cab service also.
  12. Now I am going out.
  13. Do you lock the front door at night?
  14. Yes, but you can ring the bell.
  15. I’ll be back around eleven o’clock.
  16. Was there any phone call for me?
  17. I have an appointment with some people.
  18. Send my visitors to my room.
  19. Get some snacks for my visitors.
  20. Can I get another separate sitting room?
  21. Yes, you will have to pay extra for it.
  22. No problem, add it in my bill.
  23. Arrange ten chairs in that room.
  24. Can I use this phone?
  25. Yes, sure. The phone facility is complimentary.
  26. The services of your hotel are so good.
  27. Can you arrange a Delhi train ticket for me?
  28. I have to check out.
  29. Send me a bill.
  30. Here is your bill. Thank you.

Related lessons

  1. Sentences at home
  2. Speaking with servant
  3. Speaking out of home
  4. Speaking with the doctor
  5. Speaking in the hotel
  6. Sentences of encouragement

Hi, I am Madhuri Kherde, an educationist, ex-principal of a secondary school in Mumbai, and founder of EnglishLamp.com. I have been teaching English and Mathematics for the last thirty-four years. I like to share my knowledge and experience with others. So I hope you enjoy my posts on this website.