- Is there any room available in this hotel?
- What are the charges for a single bedroom?
- We charge twenty dollars a day.
- OK, then it is affordable.
- What is my room number?
- Ask a boy to take my luggage to the room.
- Do you have Indian food?
- Yes, off course. Choose from the menu card.
- Please send my breakfast to my room.
- Could you please call me a cab?
- Off course! We have cab service also.
- Now I am going out.
- Do you lock the front door at night?
- Yes, but you can ring the bell.
- I’ll be back around eleven o’clock.
- Was there any phone call for me?
- I have an appointment with some people.
- Send my visitors to my room.
- Get some snacks for my visitors.
- Can I get another separate sitting room?
- Yes, you will have to pay extra for it.
- No problem, add it in my bill.
- Arrange ten chairs in that room.
- Can I use this phone?
- Yes, sure. The phone facility is complimentary.
- The services of your hotel are so good.
- Can you arrange a Delhi train ticket for me?
- I have to check out.
- Send me a bill.
- Here is your bill. Thank you.
Related lessons
- Sentences at home
- Speaking with servant
- Speaking out of home
- Speaking with the doctor
- Speaking in the hotel
- Sentences of encouragement