Plural Formation of Noun



 1)  Plural formation of a noun generally is made by adding ‘s’ to the singular.


       Cat, cats; pencil, pencils

       Day, days; desk, desks


2) Plural formation of a noun ending in y following a consonant is made by

changing y into ies


      City, cities; country, countries;

       Fly, flies; pony, ponies


3) Plural formation of noun ending in ch, sh, ss or x is made by adding es.


       Church, churches; match, matches

       Dish, dishes; brush, brushes;

       Class, classes; glass, glasses;

       Tax, taxes; box, boxes.


4) Plural formation of most nouns ending in o also is made by adding es.


      Buffalo, buffaloes; hero, heroes

      Tomato, tomatoes;  potato, potatoes.


5) But plural formation of foreign origin or abbreviation ending in o is made by adding only s.


       Kilo, kilos; photo, photos

       Ratio, ratios;  solo, solos.


 6) Plural formation of nouns ending in f or fe is made by adding ves.


      Shelf, shelves; loaf, loaves;

      Thief, thieves; wife, wives;

But there are some exceptional nouns which are made by adding only s.


     Handkerchief, handkerchiefs; dwarf, dwarfs;

     Safe, safes;  strife, strifes.


7) Plural formation of a few nouns is made by adding en.


      Child, children; ox, oxen.


Go over-

Exceptions of Plural formation Number


Hi, I am Madhuri Kherde, an educationist, ex-principal of a secondary school in Mumbai, and founder of I have been teaching English and Mathematics for the last thirty-four years. I like to share my knowledge and experience with others. So I hope you enjoy my posts on this website.