How to Use Were in Negative Answers About Profession

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In this chapter, we shall learn how to use ‘were’ in a negative answer about the past profession.

We shall answer in a complete sentence as well as in brief.

Formation of a negative answer

The formation of this sentence is the same as the negative answers about the state.

So, the formation of a negative answer is as follows:

  • No, + subject (we/you/they/any plural noun) + were not+ other words + full stop (.)

In brief, we can answer as follows:

  • No, + subject + weren’t.

Examples of negative answers about the profession:

Let’s see how to use ‘were’ in negative answers about the past profession with examples.

Here are some examples. The formation is as above.

Let’s have a look:

  1. No, we were not hawkers.
    (No, we weren’t.)
  2. No, you were not MLAs.
    (No, you weren’t.)
  3. No, you were not a blacksmith.
    (No, you weren’t.)
  4. No, my two brothers were not pilots.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  5. No, they were not shopkeepers.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  6. No, her sisters were not designers.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  7. No, his parents were not collectors.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  8. No, her three neighbours were not watchmen.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  9. No, Sahil and his friend were not taxi drivers.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  10. No, they were not fiction writers.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  11. No, Sameer and his colleagues were not architects.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  12. No, they were not skilled potters.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  13. No, you were not a bank manager.
    (No, you weren’t.)
  14. No, you were not news reporters.
    (No, you weren’t.)
  15. No, Tarak and his uncle were not comic poets.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  16. No, Lara’s friends were not clerks in school.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  17. No, they were not foreign ministers.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  18. No, Sachin’s two brothers were not cricket players.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  19. No, we were not doctors at government hospitals.
    (No, we weren’t.)
  20. No, my husband and brother were not professors at Bhavans College.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  21. No, my sisters were not chemical engineers.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  22. No, they were not ticket checkers in the railway department.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  23. No, she and her son were not advocates at the Supreme Court.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  24. No, his two uncles were not professional photographers.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  25. No, they were not motormen on the Mumbai local train.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  26. No, both sisters were not nurses in medical college.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  27. No, you were not officers in the education department.
    (No, you weren’t.)
  28. No, Smita and her spouse were not teachers in Aurangabad.
    (No, they weren’t.)
  29. No, we were not academic book publishers.
    (No, we weren’t.)
  30. No, they were not booksellers in Pune.
    (No, they weren’t.)


Related Lessons-

  1. Use of were: state of being
  2. Use of were: profession
  3.                negative sentences
  4. Use of were: questions
  5. Use of were in affirmative answers about the profession

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