How to Use Had to Ask Questions about Completed Action

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We use had in a sentence to ask a question about a completed action in the past. We have learned that we can use had to show the completed action in the past.

Formation of a question using ‘had’

We use an auxiliary verb ‘had with the past participle of the main verb in a question.

  • In the past tense, we use ‘had with the subjects of any singular or plural noun.

When we ask a question, we should use ‘had’ at the start of a sentence.

We shall see how to form a question about the completed action in the past.

So, the formation of a question is as follows:

The construction of a question in the past tense is as follows;

  • Had + subject (any singular or plural noun) + past participle of the main verb + other words + question mark (?).

Examples of ‘had’ in a question

Let’s see how to use ‘had’ in the questions with some examples.

Here are some examples. The formation is as above.

Have a look-

  1. Had I arranged all the beads in a garland?
  2. Had he stood in front of her in the meeting?
  3. Had the inhabitants appeared to me?
  4. Had I already told them about this issue?
  5. Had you told me then that the theatre was packed?
  6. Had we gone the wrong way?
  7. Had she forgotten to bring her lunch?
  8. Had they paid too much for a single room in that hotel?
  9. Had a clutter of cats scared a snake on the ground?
  10. Had I set some rules for the students while working as a school principal?
  11. Had we visited our grandma’s town before vacation?
  12. Had they rented a car to visit a castle on a mountain?
  13. Had a cat caught four rats a day?
  14. Had you bought dinner for us?
  15. Had all the teachers watched our performance?
  16. Had he flown to Britain?
  17. Had I competed in the English words competition before?
  18. Had we done laundry last night?
  19. Had my friends waited for me to watch a movie?
  20. Had the maid cleaned the courtyard in front of our house?
  21. Had his brother taught him a lesson in English?
  22. Had he got a raise every year?
  23. Had he jumped from a bar yesterday morning?
  24. Had my parents lived in harmony all their lives?
  25. Had she lost all her money to cure her husband’s illness?
  26. Had she fed my kids?
  27. Had he worked at an architectural firm for two years?
  28. Had you sustained all the pain?
  29. Had she kept me waiting for an hour?
  30. Had I run the business from my home?

Related Lessons-

The use of

  1. ‘am’ to explain the state of being
  2. ‘is’ to tell about the profession
  3. pronoun ‘these’ in questions
  4. ‘will’ in negative answers
  5. ‘have’ in the questions of completed action

                                   All Grammar Listening Lessons

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