What are Ordinal Numbers? List of 30 Numbers

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An ordinal number is a number that represents the position or order of something with respect to other numbers, such as first, second, third, and so on. Size, importance, or chronology may determine this order or sequence.

Let us explain ordinal numbers with an example.

Fifteen players took part in a contest. The top three winners received medals and were ranked first, second, and third. In this situation, the words first, second, and third are all ordinal numbers.

Here is a list of the names of 30 ordinal numbers.

Let’s have a look.

  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fourth
  5. Fifth
  6. Sixth
  7. Seventh
  8. Eighth
  9. Ninth
  10. Tenth
  11. Eleventh
  12. Twelfth
  13. Thirteenth
  14. Fourteenth
  15. Fifteenth
  16. Sixteenth 
  17. Seventeenth
  18. Eighteenth
  19. Nineteenth
  20. Twentieth
  21. Twenty-first
  22. Twenty-second
  23. Twenty-third
  24. Twenty-fourth
  25. Twenty-fifth
  26. Twenty-sixth
  27. Twenty-seventh
  28. Twenty-eighth
  29. Twenty-ninth
  30. Thirtieth

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