Literature refers to any collection of written work. However, it is specifically considered to be an art form that conveys culture, especially novels, plays, and poems.
Literature, however, is not usually restricted to written language. It covers writing in both print and digital formats.
In recent times, oral literature, much of which has been recorded, is included in literature. It can consist of stories told in the oral tradition and visual literature, such as drama that is performed before an audience.
Literature is an efficient way of recording, storing, and forwarding knowledge and entertainment. Literature can play spiritual, psychological, social, or political roles. Additionally, it can be classified into different forms. Each literary form can be divided into smaller categories.
Words related to literature
Here is a list of 30 words related to literature.
Have a look.
- Academic
- Allegory
- Annual
- Author
- Autobiography
- Biography
- Copyright
- Drama
- Encyclopedia
- Epic
- Essay
- Fable
- Fiction
- Journal
- Journalism
- Magazine
- Monthly
- Newspaper
- Novel
- One-act play
- Periodical
- Poem
- Prose
- Publication
- Publish
- Song
- Story
- Summary
- Textbook
- Weekly
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