Know The 30 Names for Human Body Parts

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When speaking about human body parts, you should know the English words to describe them. There are internal as well as external body parts. In this lesson on the body part, we will learn the names of 30 outer body parts.

Here is a list of the names of 30 body parts.

Let’s have a look.

  1. Hair  
  2. Forehead  
  3. Eyebrow   
  4. Eye   
  5. Nose   
  6. Nostril 
  7. Cheek   
  8. Lip   
  9. Mouth  
  10. Tooth  
  11. Tongue  
  12. Chin  
  13. Neck  
  14. Nape  
  15. Shoulder  
  16. Arm 
  17. Elbow  
  18. Hand
  19. Palm  
  20. Finger 
  21. Nail
  22. Chest
  23. Waist
  24. Stomach  
  25. Navel  
  26. Thigh  
  27. Knee
  28. Shin  
  29. Foot
  30. Toe 

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