Animals of Feminine Gender: Names for Female Animals

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There isn’t a difference between masculine and feminine words in English. But sometimes we use different words to talk about people or animals based on gender.

The feminine gender includes the words and pronouns that name the female versions of people, animals, and birds.

Words for feminine gender

Here is a list of 30 words for female animals.

Have a look.

  1. Bitch
    a female dog
  2. Cow
    a female alligator
  3. Cow
    a female antelope
  4. Cow
    a female camel
  5. Cow
    a female dolphin
  6. Cow
    a female elephant
  7. Cow
    a female giraffe
  8. Cow
    a female hippopotamus
  9. Cow
    a female rhinoceros
  10. Cow
    a female walrus
  11. Doe
    a female rabbit, deer
  12. Duck
    a female drake
  13. Ewe
    a female sheep
  14. Female
    a female monkey
  15. Girl
    a female
  16. Goose
    a female gander
  17. Hen
    a female cock
  18. Hind
    a female deer
  19. Jenny
    a female ass
  20. Leopardess
    a female leopard
  21. Lioness
    a female lion
  22. Mare
    a female horse
  23. Nanny goat
    a female goat
  24. Peahen
    a female peafowl
  25. Pen
    a female swan
  26. Queen
    a female cat
  27. Sow
    an adult female pig
  28. Tigress
    a female tiger
  29. Vixen
    a female fox
  30. Woman
    an adult female

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  2. Spices
  3. Eatables
  4. Trees
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