Imperative Sentence Formation

What Is an Imperative Sentence?

Imperative sentence is a type of sentence. We use these sentences to give command, Order, suggestion, advice or request and to give invitations or wishes for others.

We should know that in imperative sentence

  • Verb is at the starting of the sentence.
  • We don’t use subject that is subject is missing but understood.
  • Person who is listening is the understood subject. It means, if you are listening then you are a subject.
  • We use positive verb in the affirmative sentences.
  • In negative sentences, we use negative verb. These sentences indicate about something that it should not happen.

In this chapter we shall learn affirmative imperative sentence.

Formation of Imperative Sentence

Affirmative imperative sentence is formed as-

  • Base form of the verb + object
  • Let + base form of the verb + object


  • Stand up
  • Let him go for the party.
  • Let her perform.
  • Let us go for the dinner.

 How to Write Imperative Sentence

While writing an imperative sentence some points should be noted.


Most important thing in writing this sentence is you should keep in mind that all imperative sentences are directed to other person or group. So the subject of this sentence is understood and it is always second person. You should not write the subject in sentence.

Period or full stop

For polite command you should use period. Period is another word for full stop.

Exclamation mark

Use exclamation mark at the end of sentence when there is forceful command.

Where to Use Imperative Sentence

We can use imperative sentence for giving-

  • Command
  • Order
  • Advice
  • Request
  • Suggestion
  • Invitation
  • Direct order
  • Instruction
  • Informal advice
  • Suggestion
  •  Signboard
  • Appeal

Examples of affirmative imperative sentence

Here are some examples of affirmative imperative sentence.

We shall take examples of negative imperative sentence in next chapter.

Command –

  • Go left.
  • Turn around.


  • Hurry up!
  • Keep it aside!
  • Hold it tightly!
  • Come here!
  • Do it fast!
  • Stop beating my cat.
  • Put your hands up!


  • Study with concentration.
  • Eat vegetables instead of meat.


  • Kindly help us.
  • Please be quiet in the library.
  • Please give it to me.


  • Let’s have a dinner.
  • Let him cool down and then ask about the quarrel.
  • Take it easy.

Wish for others

These sentences express polite wishes and requests with others.

  • May God bless you!
  • Have a good day!
  • Have a safe journey!


These sentences offer an invitation.

  • Please join me in this project.
  • Come to night to celebrate Sam’s birthday party.

Direct order


  • Switch on the light.
  • Put it down.
  • Pull the door.
  • Put on your school dress.
  • Pack your bag.
  • Keep books in the shelf.
  • Sit on carpet.
  • Stick up the picture.

Informal advice

  • Improve yourself.
  • Sit properly.
  • Mend your ways.
  • Book a railway birth.


  • Follow the lane rule.
  • Observe the traffic rules.


  • Be aware of dogs.
  • Don’t stop the car in tunnel.
  • Don’t touch the bare electrical wires.


  • Let’s stay in my hotel near the beach.
  • Let’s have a dinner together.
  • Come and join us.


  • Be polite.

Signboards or notice boards

  • Push inside
  • Keep off the grass.
  • Don’t disturb.
  • Pull the door.

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Hi, I am Madhuri Kherde, an educationist, ex-principal of a secondary school in Mumbai, and founder of I have been teaching English and Mathematics for the last thirty-four years. I like to share my knowledge and experience with others. So I hope you enjoy my posts on this website.