Warm Clothes: List of Outerwear for Winter

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Outerwear is especially important during the winter. Woolen clothing keeps the body warm by preventing heat from leaving it. It traps air between its fibres. This trapped air prevents heat from passing from our bodies into the surrounding environment, keeping us warm. As a result, we should wear woolen clothing in the winter.

Here is a list of 30 warm clothes.

Have a look.

  1. Anorak
  2. Balaclava cap
  3. Beanie
  4. Boots
  5. Cardigan
  6. Cap
  7. Earmuffs
  8. Ear warmer
  9. Fleece jacket
  10. Gloves
  11. Headband
  12. Jacket 
  13. Jeans
  14. Long coat
  15. Long sleeve top
  16. Mittens
  17. Monmouth cap
  18. Muffler
  19. Parka (coat with hood)
  20. Scarf
  21. Selbuvotter 
  22. Shawl
  23. Ski suit
  24. Socks
  25. Sweater
  26. Thermal underwear
  27. Trench coat
  28. Union suit
  29. Wool hat
  30. Wool socks

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