Numbers are an essential part of our speaking to show quantity. There are innumerable numbers. However, some numbers that we can count easily are commonly used in our daily lives. In this lesson, EnglishLamp provided the names of 1 to 30 numbers with audio to help you learn to use them while speaking English.
Let’s have a look.
- 1 = One
- 2 = Two
- 3 = Three
- 4 = Four
- 5 = Five
- 6 = Six
- 7 = Seven
- 8 = Eight
- 9 = Nine
- 10 = Ten
- 11 = Eleven
- 12 = Twelve
- 13 = Thirteen
- 14 = Fourteen
- 15 = Fifteen
- 16 = Sixteen
- 17 = Seventeen
- 18 = Eighteen
- 19 = Nineteen
- 20 = Twenty
- 21 = Twenty-one
- 22 = Twenty-two
- 23 = Twenty-three
- 24 = Twenty-four
- 25 = Twenty-five
- 26 = Twenty-six
- 27 = Twenty-seven
- 28 = Twenty-eight
- 29 = Twenty-nine
- 30 = Thirty
Related Lessons
- Words for numbers 31 to 60
- Words for numbers 61 to 100
- Numbers of order
- Some countable words
All lessons of Words