We see the symbols on a computer keyboard and use those in typography, languages, mathematics and so on. We can communicate effectively using symbols because each has a unique purpose and meaning. They provide a better way to represent something and help us express it more effectively.
For example, a green light on a signal is a symbol for ‘go’, and a red light is a symbol for ‘stop’.
We use different signs in our communication, and each symbol has a name.
Symbol Names List in English
Here is a list of 124 symbols with symbol names in English.
Serial Number | Name of the Symbol | Symbol |
1. | Airplane | |
2. | Ampersand | & |
3. | Angle bracket | ⟨ ⟩ |
4. | Apostrophe | ‘ |
5. | Approximately equal to | ≈ |
6. | Arrow- Down arrow | ↓ |
7. | Arrow- Up arrow | ↑ |
8. | Arrow- Double arrow | ↔ |
9. | Arrow- Left arrow | ← |
10. | Arrow- Right arrow | → |
11. | Asterisk | * |
12. | Asterism | ⁂ |
13. | At the rate sign | @ |
14. | Backslash | \ |
15. | Bar | | |
16. | Bracket- Left angle bracket | ⟨ |
17. | Bracket- Right angle bracket | ⟩ |
18. | Bracket- Left curly bracket | { |
19. | Bracket- Right curly bracket | } |
20. | Bracket- Left parenthesis | ( |
21. | Bracket- Right parenthesis | ) |
22. | Bracket- Left square bracket | [ |
23. | Bracket- Right square bracket | ] |
24. | Bracket- Curly bracket | { } |
25. | Bracket- Parenthesis | ( ) |
26. | Bracket- Square bracket | [ ] |
27. | Bullet Point | • |
28. | Caret | ^ |
29. | Ceiling- left ceiling | ⌈ |
30. | Ceiling – right ceiling | ⌉ |
31. | Cent | ¢ |
32. | Checkbox | ☐ |
33. | Checkbox with check | |
34. | Check Mark | ✓ |
35. | Circle | ○ |
36. | Cloud | |
37. | Colon | : |
38. | Comma | , |
39. | Copyright Symbol | © |
40. | Currency sign | ¤ |
41. | Dagger | † |
42. | Degree | ° |
43. | Degree Celsius | ℃ |
44. | Degree Fahrenheit | ℉ |
45. | Delta | ∆ |
46. | Diameter | ⌀ |
47. | Division sign | ÷ |
48. | Dollar Sign | $ |
49. | Element of | ∈ |
50. | Ellipsis | … |
51. | Equal Sign | = |
52. | Estimated sign | ℮ |
53. | Euro symbol | € |
54. | Exclamation mark | ! |
55. | Exclamation – Inverted exclamation mark | ¡ |
56. | Female | |
57. | Flower | ⚘ |
58. | Flower punctuation mark | ⁕ |
59. | Fog | |
60. | Forward Slash | / |
61. | Fraction- quarter | ¼ |
62. | Fraction- half | ½ |
63. | Fraction- three-quarters | ¾ |
64. | Full stop (Period) | . |
65. | Greater than | > |
66. | Greater than or equal to | ≥ |
67. | Guillemet | « » |
68. | Hashtag (The number sign) | # |
69. | Heavy sparkle | ❈ |
70. | Hyphen | – |
71. | Infinity | ∞ |
72. | Intersection | ∩ |
73. | Keyboard | |
74. | Less than | < |
75. | Less than or equal to | ≤ |
76. | Male | |
77. | Minus Sign | – |
78. | Moon- first quarter | ☽ |
79. | Moon- last quarter | ☾ |
80. | Multiplication sign | × |
81. | Nabla | ∇ |
82. | No bicycles | |
83. | No entry | |
84. | No mobile phones | |
85. | No pedestrians | |
86. | No smoking zone | |
87. | Not an element of | ∉ |
88. | Not equal to | ≠ |
89. | Numero Sign | № |
90. | Per cent Sign | % |
91. | Per mile | ‰ |
92. | Per ten thousand | ‱ |
93. | Pilcrow | ¶ |
94. | Plus sign | + |
95. | Plus-minus sign | ± |
96. | Pound Sign | £ |
97. | Product | ∏ |
98. | Question Mark | ? |
99. | Question Mark- Inverted question mark | ¿ |
100. | Quotation Mark | “ |
101. | Registered trademark | ® |
102. | Section | § |
103. | Semicolon | ; |
104. | Service mark symbol | ℠ |
105. | Silcrow | § |
106. | Slash | / |
107. | Snowman | |
108. | Sound recording copyright symbol | ℗ |
109. | Space | |
110. | Square root | √ |
111. | Star | * |
112. | Summation | ∑ |
113. | Sun | ☉ |
114. | Tie | ⁀ |
115. | Therefore sign | ∴ |
116. | Thermometer | |
117. | Tilde | ~ |
118. | Trademark symbol | ™ |
119. | Underscore | _ |
120. | Union | ∪ |
121. | Vertical Bar | | |
122. | Victory | ✌︎ |
123. | Warning sign | |
124. | Yen | ¥ |
Some commonly used English symbols/ Names for symbols
Some commonly used symbols are discussed here.
Have a look at symbols and names for symbols.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
We use these symbols in mathematics.
• Addition (+)
The symbol of addition is used to sum up the numbers. We can say this symbol- a plus sign.
• Subtraction (-)
The symbol of subtraction is used to subtract the numbers. We can say this symbol- a minus sign.
• Multiplication sign (×)
The symbol of multiplication is used to multiply the numbers.
• Division sign (÷)
The symbol of division is used to divide the numbers.
Read also-
Less than, greater than, equal to
• Less than (<)
Less than is used in mathematics to show the inequality between two numbers. A smaller number is written before this symbol.
• Greater than ( >)
Greater than is used in mathematics to show the inequality between two numbers. A greater number is written before this symbol.
• Equal to (=)
The symbol ‘equal to’ is used in mathematics. We use this symbol to show the total value after the calculation. This symbol indicates that both sides of the equation are equal.
• Approximately equal to ( ≈ )
This is used in mathematics. The symbol- approximately equal to is used to show both values are not equal but nearby.
• Less than or equal to (≤)
This is used in mathematics. The symbol- less than or equal to is used to compare the values. It shows the value may be less or equal to the given value.
• Greater than or equal to (≥)
This is used in mathematics. The symbol greater than or equal to is used to compare the values. It shows the value may be greater or equal to the given value.
• Not equal to (≠)
This is used in mathematical equations to show the inequality of both sides.
Brackets, braces, parentheses
• Angle bracket ( <> )
Angle brackets are used in computing and mathematics.
• Curly bracket ( {} )
A curly bracket is used in the mathematical formulae to derive something. It is also used in the sentences to group a set. Curly brackets are also known as braces.
• Square bracket ( [ ] )
A square bracket is used to add additional information to quotations to clarify the given information. We can use square brackets to enclose any explanatory content in a clause or sentence.
• Parenthesis ( () )
Mostly, parenthesis is used to add phrases, words, clauses, special remarks, or additional information. Parenthesis is also used in mathematics.
Exclamation mark, question mark, period
Exclamation marks, question marks, and periods are all used to end the sentences.
• Exclamation mark (!)
We use an exclamation mark to end the exclamatory sentence and interjection.
• Question mark (?)
We use a question mark to end the question, known as an interrogative sentence.
• Period (.)
We use a period to end the simple, that is, declarative sentences. We can also use periods in abbreviations.
Comma, colon, semicolon
Commas, colons, and semicolons are used to join sentences.
• Comma (,)
The comma is mostly used in languages. This is a punctuation mark that separates. To use the comma requires good knowledge of Grammar. This has many different uses.
- We can use a comma to join clauses.
- It makes a pause in any clause or sentence that separates words.
- A comma is used to denote a list.
- We can also use a comma to separate coordinating adjectives.
• Colon (:)
Colon is a punctuation mark. This symbol has many meanings. We can use a colon in different ways.
- We can use a colon to emphasize.
- It is used to clarify the titles of compositions, lectures, and books.
- Colon is also used to show the list, table or text.
- We can write dialogue using a colon.
• Semicolon (;)
Semicolon has mainly two uses.
- We can use a semicolon to indicate two closely related sentences.
- A semicolon is used to clarify a series. If a comma is used for many elements in the series, we can separate them using a semicolon.
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