Sentences of Dos: Guide Your Kids to Behave Properly

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To do or not to do is always a question, but what to do to improve someone’s personality?

Dos are the rules of actions people should perform.

We always guide our kids to behave properly to improve themselves. The guide may be a mother, father, or teacher. There are so many things to do neatly in our life.

Sentences of Dos

Here are some sentences about what to do to improve someone’s personality.

Listen to the sentences

  1. Draw neatly.
  2. Handle a book properly.
  3. Give respect to others.
  4. Respect yourself.
  5. Always keep bad-mannered people off.
  6. Work hard.
  7. Mend your ways.
  8. Stand firm.
  9. Wake up early in the morning.
  10. Think positive.
  11. Obey your teacher.
  12. Love your younger siblings.
  13. Give due regards to your equals.
  14. Take your decision firmly.
  15. Always behave with good manners.
  16. Appreciate others for good behaviour.
  17. Speak properly.
  18. Grow trees.
  19. Always help others.
  20. Take care of your things.

Also, go over the lessons below-

  1. Sentences of  order 
  2. Sentences of consolation
  3. Sentences of request
  4. Sentences of don’ts
  5. Sentences of do’s

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