How to Pronounce ‘o’

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In this lesson, we shall see how to pronounce ‘o’.

The Rule for ‘o’

Click on the audio button to hear and practice pronouncing.

  • 1. ‘o’ is pronounced as  

As in – 

  1. Come 
  2. Son 
  • 2. ‘o’ is pronounced as

As in – 

  1. Book 
  2. Look 
  3. Took 
  4. Good 
  • 3. ‘o’ is pronounced as

As in – 

  1. Moon 
  2. Noon 
  3. Room 
  4. Root 
  • 4.‘o’ is pronounced as 

As in – 

  1. So 
  2. No 
  3. Old 
  4. Cold 
  5. Gold 
  6. Hope 
  7. Open 
  • 5. ‘o’ is pronounced as

As in – 

  1. Ox 
  2. Box 
  3. Fox 
  4. Hot 
  5. Spot 
  • 6. ‘ow’  is pronounced as

As in – 

  1. Low 
  2. Sow 
  3. Crow 
  4. Grow 
  • 7 ‘ow is pronounced as

As in – 

  1. Cow 
  2. How 
  3. Now 
  • 8 ‘ou’ is pronounced as

As in – 

  1. Our 
  2. Hour 
  • 9.   ‘oy’ is pronounced as

As in – 

  1. Boy 
  2. Joy 
  3. Toy 

Related lessons

  1. How to pronounce ‘u’ and ‘y’
  2. Greeting
  3. Manners and etiquette
  4. Some polite phrases
  5. Good wishes

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