Negative Sentences

  1. Don’t bother.
  2. Don’t cut jokes. 
  3. Don’t talk nonsense.
  4. Never mind. 
  5. Don’t leave me alone. 
  6. Never forget. 
  7. Don’t worry.
  8. Don’t move. 
  9. I don’t know. 
  10. You are not serious about your work.
  11. Don’t be silly.
  12. I won’t go there. 
  13. She won’t come.
  14. He doesn’t like it.
  15. He doesn’t keep his promises. 
  16. He didn’t inform me. 
  17. He is not at your service. 
  18. We couldn’t entertain you properly.
  19. It is not easy.
  20. It is not movable.

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Hi, I am Madhuri Kherde, an educationist, ex-principal of a secondary school in Mumbai, and founder of I have been teaching English and Mathematics for the last thirty-four years. I like to share my knowledge and experience with others. So I hope you enjoy my posts on this website.