Phrases and Clauses


 Sentences contain smaller groups of words and these groups of words don’t contain a subject and predicate and so, these don’t make complete sense by themselves and each depends on other groups.

 This group of words does not contain a subject and predicate to make complete sense of it. Such group of words is known as a Phrase.
A group of words containing subject and predicate is known as a Clause.

a. The boy rides a black horse.
b. The boy rides a horse of black colour.
c. The boy rides a horse which is of black colour.
 In the sentence ‘a’, ‘black’ is an adjective giving more information about ‘horse’.
 In ‘b’, ‘of black colour’ does not contain a subject and predicate. So it is a phrase qualifying the noun ‘horse’.
In ‘c’, ‘which is of black colour’ consists of a subject ‘which’ and a predicate ‘is of black colour’. So it is a clause qualifying the noun ‘horse’.


There are three kinds of phrases.

  1. Adjective phrase
  2. Adverb phrase
  3. Noun phrase

Hi, I am Madhuri Kherde, an educationist, ex-principal of a secondary school in Mumbai, and founder of I have been teaching English and Mathematics for the last thirty-four years. I like to share my knowledge and experience with others. So I hope you enjoy my posts on this website.