Body Parts: You Should Know the English Names

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In the lesson, Human Body Parts, we have learnt some body part names. In this lesson, we will discover more of the other body parts.

Names of body parts

Here is a list of 30 body part names.

Have a look.

  1. Eyeball
  2. Eyelash
  3. Eyelid
  4. Cheekbone
  5. Moustache 
  6. Beard 
  7. Lobe
  8. Canine teeth
  9. Wisdom tooth
  10. Jaw 
  11. Molar 
  12. Mole 
  13. Armpit 
  14. Limbs
  15. Forearm 
  16. Fist
  17. Knuckle 
  18. Index finger
  19. Middle finger
  20. Ring finger
  21. Little finger
  22. Thumb
  23. Back
  24. Leg
  25. Calf
  26. Ankle
  27. Big toe
  28. Toenail
  29. Sole
  30. Heel
  31. Skin

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  2. Words pertaining to dresses
  3. Words pertaining to medicine
  4. Places where things are kept
  5. Body conditions

               All lessons of the Words

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