In the lesson, Human Body Parts, we have learnt some body part names. In this lesson, we will discover more of the other body parts.
Names of body parts
Here is a list of 30 body part names.
Have a look.
- Eyeball
- Eyelash
- Eyelid
- Cheekbone
- Moustache
- Beard
- Lobe
- Canine teeth
- Wisdom tooth
- Jaw
- Molar
- Mole
- Armpit
- Limbs
- Forearm
- Fist
- Knuckle
- Index finger
- Middle finger
- Ring finger
- Little finger
- Thumb
- Back
- Leg
- Calf
- Ankle
- Big toe
- Toenail
- Sole
- Heel
- Skin
Related Lessons
- Words related to literature
- Words pertaining to dresses
- Words pertaining to medicine
- Places where things are kept
- Body conditions
All lessons of the Words