Know the Names of the 30 Most Common Birds

Home » Words: An Easy Categorized Vocabulary » Know the Names of the 30 Most Common Birds

Every bird has a name. Learn the names of different types of birds. Englishlamp has provided the names of 30 different kinds of birds in this lesson.

Let’s have a look.

  1. Bat
  2. Cock
  3. Crane
  4. Crow
  5. Cuckoo
  6. Dove
  7. Duck
  8. Eagle
  9. Emu
  10. Goose
  11. Common hawk cuckoo
  12. Hen
  13. Kingfisher
  14. Kite
  15. Lovebird
  16. Mynah
  17. Nightingale
  18. Ostrich
  19. Owl
  20. Parrot
  21. Partridge
  22. Peacock
  23. Pigeon
  24. Quail
  25. Skylark
  26. Sparrow
  27. Swallow
  28. Swan
  29. Vulture
  30. Woodpecker

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