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Uses of Simple Future Tense



1) Simple Future Tense is used to express such actions which we assume will take place i.e. future habitual actions; as,

  • Fifth standard students will study this science.
  • It will rain in June.
  • This tree will shed its leaves in next month.

2) Simple Future Tense is used in sentences when the clauses of time, condition and purpose are contained; as,

  • When bus conductor rings the bell, driver will start to drive.
  • If I throw this ball, he will catch.
  • I am writing this article so that you will publish it in your news paper.

3) Simple Future Tense is used in sentences containing speaker’s assumptions, speculations, and opinions; as,

  1. He will buy the shop.
  2. She will meet her at the college.
  3. She will speak her mind.

In above sentence no.1 the sentence ‘I suppose’ is hidden.

In sentence no.2 the word ‘perhaps’ is hidden.

In sentence no. 3 the sentence ‘I am sure’ is hidden.

These sentences are accompanied by some verbs and adverbs such as expect, doubt, hope, probably, perhaps,

But such types of sentences are used without verbs and adverbs as above three sentences.

4) Simple Future Tense is used mostly to announce weather forecasts, future plans in news broadcasts and newspapers.

  • Fog will persist to all areas.
  • The President will open the new heliport tomorrow.
  • Anticorruption bureau will investigate the case.

5) Simple Future Tense is used to express the future by verbs of thought, emotion, senses, auxiliary verbs; as,

  • She’ll be there at nine.
  • He will have study material.
  • He’ll surprise to see you.
  • You’ll inform him tonight.