Sentences in the Meeting

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When someone meets you; then say-

  1. Good morning
  2. Hello! How are you?
  3. Thank you, I am fine. How are you doing?
  4. Very well
  5. Glad to see you
  6. I am glad to see you too.
  7. Are you surprised to see me?
  8. Yes, I thought you are in America.
  9. What are you doing now?
  10. I joined a school.
  11. Oh, very nice!
  12. I was searching for the same job. I got it. 
  13. Congratulations on your new job
  14. Thank you very much.
  15. Please convey my regards to aunty.
  16. Yes, of course, she will be glad.
  17. OK, see you again.
  18. Yes, we will meet again.
  19. Bye
  20. Goodbye

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