Prepositions related to time

Sometimes prepositions give relation to time.

Have a look-

  1. He will arrive in three days.                                                
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  2. He will arrive within three days.                                         
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  3. She completed her work within two hours.                     
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  4. You will receive it in two days.                                           
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  5. He will receive this parcel within four days.                     
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  6. Tell me within two days.                                                     
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  7. Nayana will come back in two days.                                 
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  8. Rachana will get her result within 8 days.                         
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  9. Diwali falls on twelfth November.                                             
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  10. I have to reach there on sixth October.                                 
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  11. I have a meeting on Monday.                                               
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  12. Children day falls on fourteenth November.                                   
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  13. We always go out on Sunday.                                               
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  14. I reached there at four o’clock.                                                   
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  15. She met me at half past two.                                                 
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  16. She studies everyday for four hours.                                     
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  17. It was open for one hour.                                                       
    Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.
  18. Show was about to start.                                                       
    Requested file could not be found (error code 404). Verify the file URL specified in the shortcode.
  19. It was open about one hour.                                                   
    Compact Audio Player Error! The mp3 file URL that you entered in the "fileurl" parameter looks to be invalid. Please enter a valid URL of the audio file.



Hi, I am Madhuri Kherde, an educationist, ex-principal of a secondary school in Mumbai, and founder of I have been teaching English and Mathematics for the last thirty-four years. I like to share my knowledge and experience with others. So I hope you enjoy my posts on this website.